Sunday, September 15, 2013

OLJ: Exploring Delicious

Delicious first launched in September 2003 and known as "", 
to celebrate their 10 year anniversary ~there is a brand new design (Preview).

Web surfing is now more complex, and how to organize the collections of sites is a challenge. Before using Delicious, I simply bookmarked the collected websites on my PC and organized them under different folder to create my own collection but not easy to share with others.

After our organization subscribed RefWork, I store the online materials in this reference management software, and organize materials under respective folder and I can share folder with colleagues or users who have RefWork account. Of course, we cannot share RefWork folder to whom does not subscribe RefWork. However, RefWork is not easy to use while compare with Delicious which is much more user friendly.  For daily activities, I still inertia of bookmark the network resources on my PC.

Delicious is a free internet social bookmarking tools, a software for identifying, organizing, storing, finding, classifying, and sharing web resources not only among browsers and work place, but also among people. It is very convenience of keeping track of content that we could come back to and read at a later date online.

I recall my memory for two years ago. When our office was being upgraded the PCs, we were requested to back up our data file from the PC. But I forgot to back up the bookmarked content for my new PC, so I lost some interesting / useful website . If I use Delicious that time, I might not encounter such misfortune.

After registering and setting up the Delicious, I saved a few websites that related to this module, as well as some of my interest. However, what next? How to manage the stored website? By following “Help-Delicious”, I learn how to edit link, delete link, add tags… I’m following “SISsocialmedia” so that I can easily check out information about field of interest to us too. We can also subscribe to the RSS of users’ collection to get latest contents from the field of same interest to us.

Because of I am lack of knowledge and not familiarized with Delicious therefore I check out Help-Delicious and googled to find related work on web to learn more on it. Grosseck, G. (2008) demonstrated details on how to use Delicious, pointed out the advantages and disadvantages, and how can Delicious support teaching/learning. It is an interesting article consists of many screen capture for ease reading.

For example, I didn’t know how to subscribe RSS of other users’ but now I can do it. I learn more on manage my DELICIOUS. Delicious is really a good tool for web resources organizer!

Help-Delicious from:

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