Sunday, September 22, 2013

Continue RSS

I use RSS before studying INF506. I simply handle the feeds on my PC. The disadvantage is I can only access feeds on my office PC when I go home I may not read the same feeds, as if I don't  Feeds the same websites.The alternative is I may use Web browser to handle RSS feeds seems more convenience to catch up on my feed reading when I can access Internet. But I don't aware the disadvantages to using web browser to handle feeds.

Sources: 75 Top marketing blogs to make your RSS Reader fat! From:

Chris Polletter in How RSS works (p.2) pointed out the disadvantages that if you use more than one computer to access the Internet, you may have no good way to synchronize your RSS feeds. For example, If you take 15 minutes at lunch to catch up on the latest headlines at your desk, later on you'll be seeing some of the same headlines on your home computer. He then encourage users to use personal home pages such as MyYahoo! or iGoogle, so that users can add their feeds there and the said trouble will not happen. It is really good experience for me to study INF506 to explore the Web 2.0 technologies that can be apply not only on our work, but also useful on our personal interest.

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