Sunday, September 29, 2013

Free-writing: Digital citizenship

“We are living in a connected age, an exciting age, and we hold the future in our hands...” ACMA Cybersmart film: Digital Citizens guide. This is a good video, not only suitable for young children, but also good for everyone regarding Digital Citizenship. It is simple, clear and direct to point out that our digital footprint is rapidly expanding while we engage online activities. “Our behaviours can affect our world and everyone” So, we should engage positively in the online world and choose consciously. I think we should know how to be a responsible Digital Citizens and educate young people the importance of being a responsible Digital Citizens.

Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship: responsible behavior on using technology appropriately.

1.      Digital access: full electronic participation in society.

2.      Digital commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods.

3.      Digital communication: electronic exchange of information

4.      Digital literacy: process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology

5.      Digital etiquette: electronic standards of conduct of procedure.

6.      Digital law: electronic responsibility for actions and deeds

7.      Digital rights and responsibilities: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world

8.      Digital health & wellness: physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world

9.      Digital security (self-protection): electronic precautions to guarantee safety.

It is absolutely correct: respect yourself/respect others; educate yourself/connect with others, protect yourself/protect others.

Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Librarian 2.0

Module 3 OLJ Task: Define what you believe to be the essential knowledge, skills and attributes of an information professional in a Web 2.0 world.

Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 encourage the information profession to find new ways to connect with their clients - both existing and prospective individuals and user groups.

Source: Missouri River Regional Library embraces Web 2.0
Peltier-Davis (2009) described Web 2.0 as: the read/write web, where users are both consumers and producers of online content; an interactive two-way web; a place where everyday folks with internet access can create and edit stuff. However, Laura Cohen (2006) focuses on the attitude or ethos that a successful librarian in the 2.0 world must possess, who acted actively and positively to respond to the rapid changes in social trends with Web 2.0.

Maness (2006) defines “Library 2.0 as the application of interactive, collaborative and multi-media web-based technologies to web-based library services and collections.” The implementation of Web 2.0 applications require the libraries to be "skilled and passionate to re-create libraries' mission". Library 2.0 makes collections and services more interactive and user-centered and user-driven. Whereas, Library 2.0 is a mashup of hybrid applications i.e. blogs, wikis, streaming media, content aggregators, instant messaging, and social networks that combine the traditional library services and innovative Web 2.0 services.

Source: Library 2.0 and the future of Libraries Thing 22

Librarian 2.0 might act as a facilitator and provide support on the trend of library 2.0 on the use of Web 2.0 technologies and applications, also extend themselves and empowering library users (Maness, 2006). Harvey (2009) and Abram (2005), they all described the uses of technology in Web 2.0 while Abram discussed his ideas of Librarian 2.0 with tools and technologies that connect with users and satisfy their needs.
 Partidge & Munro (2010) sum-up opinions from Cohen (2006), Peltier-Davis (2009), Michael Saint-Onge (2009), King (2007) and Cullen(2008), Librarian 2.0 should have the skills, knowledge, and attributes of Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals in Web 2.0 World. I believe that librarians must have both soft skill and hard skill of LIS professional knowledge otherwise, they may perform like a robot to execute command only. 

There are 8 key issues related to Librarian 2.0 are discussed in Partidge & Munro’s study:

-          Technology: librarians have to know technology and use it to collaborate with their users.

-          Learning and education: librarians are willing to learn, share knowledge others, and educate the followers.

-          Research or evidence based practice: it is essential for the 2.0 Librarian to experiments.

-          User focus: library for users and satisfy user’s needs

-          Communication: librarians have good communication in both written and oral communication is essential.

-          Collaboration and teamwork: librarian should be a good team player and leader.

-          Business savvy: librarian should have good project management skills that enable to manage change, adopt change, and act as driver of change.

-         To become a successful Librarian who should have below personal traits:
  • Enthusiastic and inspirational

  • Vision, spark and creativity

  • Leadership skills i.e. lead, motivate, adaptable, flexible, persistent etc.

  • Proactive and willing to take risks 
  • Willing to break rules and to deal with ambiguity

Abram, S. (2008). Social libraries – Web 2.0, library 2.0 and librarian 2.0: Preparing for the 2.0 world. Library Resources and Technical Services, 2(2). 19-22.

Cohen, L. (2006) A Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto [Online]. Retrieved from on 01/04/2010.

Harvey, M. (2009). What does it mean to be a Science Librarian 2.0? Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (Summer). DOI:10.5062/F4M906KW 

Maness, J.M., (2006). Library 2.0 theory: Web 2.0 and its implications for libraries. Webology, 3(2)
Retrieved from:

Peltier-Davis, C. (2009), Web 2.0. library 2.0, library user 2.0, librarian 2.0: innovative services for sustainable libraries, Computers in Libraries, 29(10), 16-21.