Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Snapshot: keeping children safe on social networking sites

I feel sorry to learn the news “Social media: father blames online bullies for girl’s death” two days ago. In Hong Kong, we often learn “cyber bullied” and the most common form of abuse on social networking sites is peer bullying, another significant threat is unsavory content, some of this may be pornographic.

Parents/teachers may let children understand the risks on social networking sites and guide their activities on it. I think the most important thing is to educate children understand the real meaning of both privacy and friendship, and help them develop the foresight and self-restraint to resist peer pressure and unconsidered impulse.

Social networking sites have evolved rapidly. No doubt, they are very powerful on connection to people all over the world. Business man utilize them on marketing and make money and people have fun, friendship, sharing… as well.  PSHE Associaton says The internet can be a transformative force for good in children’s lives, but it has a number of dark corners which should cause us concern. We should consider on how to protect children and young people when they use social networking sites for collaboration and engagement.